Bleary-Eyed and Drooling

Did I really say I’d post more during the conference?

Silly girl. As if.

I thought I’d be able to post them when I got back to my room each night. But technically, I didn’t get back to my room until after each night had turned to morning and I had to cram as much sleep as possible into the four or five hours before the alarm screamed it was time to start again.

Exhausting. And awesome. But mostly exhausting.

And, um, jet lag. Hello. 7am New York is 5 am Phoenix. By Saturday morning, I was running on fumes and still had 24 hours to go.

In other words, I’ve learned to think things through before I promise blog posts. 😉

I’m home now. Ran to make my connecting flight in Dallas. I have pages of notes and stories and some photos from the SCBWI NY 2010 conference. But right now I’m bleary-eyed and drooling. Today, I will recoup, organize my thoughts, rest my aching feet (whine!) and write the first of several posts sharing what happened at the conference.

Is it possible to experience turbulence sitting at the kitchen table? If I close my eyes, I could swear I’m still on that plane.

Back soon…