I know it’s been quiet around here, and I apologize. But so much has been happening I haven’t had any time to blog.
Since my last post, I signed with Adams Literary, worked through novel revisions and sent them to my agent, Quinlan Lee. Did a whole bunch of other family life events. Then I hopped on a plane and went to the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles.
Okay, I didn’t attend the actual ceremony, but I won two tickets to the red carpet fiasco before the show.
Long-story short, my hubby had zero interest in the Emmys, so I invited my friend Trish to go with me. She and I have a long history of doing crazy trips like this, dashing off to concerts and whatnot. We met up with some other friends who were also in LA for the Emmys.
Over the course of the weekend, we met Karen Gillan (aka Amelia Pond from Doctor Who). She is lovely. And tall.

Amy, Karen, Trish
Last night I caught up on Saturday’s episode of Doctor Who, and it was a little strange to see Amy Pond on the screen having talked to her on a rooftop in LA.
We also talked with Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife, who were sitting next to us. The opportunity never presented itself to take a photo, however, and they were being so kind just chatting with us it would have been awkward, anyway.
Later that same afternoon, we also met Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman (aka Sherlock and John Watson).

Martin, Amy, Cindy, Benedict, Trish, Diane, Nancy
Benedict said he likes my handbag.
Trish and I had a fun exchange with Benedict on the red carpet. We held up a sign that read “No more parades” (to show our support for his work in Parade’s End). He read it, smiled and said thank you to us. When he’d made it a little further down the red carpet he smiled at us again, pointed to the crowd and mouthed, “Isn’t this crazy?”
It was crazy.
We also saw George R.R. Martin (!!!), Steven Moffat, and Mark Gatiss on the red carpet, as well as loads of other celebrities.
Trish and I ended up in the background of the ABC and E! red carpet interviews. If you see any of those interviews, we’re on the top row of the bleachers. Trish is in the dark hat, and I’m in the colorful shirt next to her.
Now I’m back home and back to my unglamorous, wonderful life. There are no red carpets here, and that’s just fine. It’s always a blast to have a weekend like that once in a while, but there’s nothing better than coming home to the family I love, who doesn’t mind these crazy things I do.