Dr. Who, The Parking Lot Confessional, and Hints of Things to Come

I’m doing web work, watching Jonathan Ross and listening to The Chairman of the Borg test a voice-to-text-message app on his iPhone. Despite these thrilling happenings, I am pulling myself away to post some news updates.

First up, an announcement.

*taps microphone*

Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of topics… the thrill of victory… and the agony of defeat… the human drama of literary competition… Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you The Parking Lot Confessional!

My writers’ group (aka, support group) has made the leap to Cyberland and started a website wherein we will document our literary journeys. Our goal is to spark conversation and build community as we encourage one another — and our readers — toward greatness. Join us!

Next up, a cryptic statement that will leave you scratching your head.

I am in the planning phases of an exciting something to be unveiled early in the new year. Watch this space!


Finally, who in the U.S. is excited about watching Doctor Who: The Water of Mars tomorrow night? Go on, raise your hands. Don’t be shy. You’re among friends.

I’m excited, too.

*insert nerdy woot here*

(New writing blog post tomorrow.)