On Mondays I usually talk about writing, but…well…today I’m not. Today I’m going to share what I learned this weekend about social media.
[insert raucous applause here]
If you haven’t gathered yet from my recent posts, I attended the Phoenix Comicon. One of the panel sessions I attended was called “Sci-Fi Social Media”. The blurb in the program read:
Is your favorite author a Facebook friend? We look at how Sci-Fi notables are using social media tools — Twitter, podcasting, blogging, Facebook, Myspace, etc. — to build fan connections and communities around themselves and their works. Panelists: Jack Mangan, Michael Stackpole, John Scalzi, Aprilynne Pike, Leanna Renee Hieber, Sam Sykes.
Only good things could come from such a lineup, right?
Here are the bits of wisdom each author shared on all things social media. Hope you find them as useful as I did.
Jack Mangan
- Use social media to make connections, not just promote
- Be professional
- Don’t feed the trolls
- If you don’t want to share the names of your kids for safety reasons, make up online names for them
- Buy a domain name for every book you write
Michael Stackpole
- Sampling your work online is vital
- Don’t be the depressingly honest author, sharing all your rejections and hardships; the audience wants to hear the romantic side of being a writer
- If you read like a loser on your blog, you’re going to make your readers feel like losers for reading your blog
- The only time to respond to critics is if a reviewer projects your thoughts (e.g., “this is what the author meant”); you can respond to set the record straight
- If you respond to criticism, write your response and have it reviewed by someone else before posting; then remain professional and detached
- Own what you do; know the trouble you might cause and what your response will be
- If you’re concerned about privacy, set up separate personal and fan pages at Facebook
- Ask others to help promote what you’re doing on your site
- Have your own website and blog there
- Get store software to sell your work
- If someone plagiarises your work , contact the ISP hosting the site and have them deal with the infraction of their policies
Aprilynne Pike
- If you obsess about the number of followers or friends you have on Twitter and Facebook, control is not in your hands
- Set boundaries
- You can’t do everything and do it well; choose which social media outlets you want to focus on and don’t worry about the others
- Social media can be a time suck; decide how much time you’ll devote to it, how much you’ll interact, how many people you’ll follow
John Scalzi
- Don’t have that desperate freaky new-author smell online (Buy my book! Buy my book!) or be self-congratulatory; instead, include information that is not related to books to make your audience feel comfortable; this leads to hand selling
- Set boundaries
- Be personable, but not personal; leave out the intimate details
- If you talk about someone else on your blog, get their permission first
- If you do something wrong, just say you were wrong and apologize
- “Don’t fling poo at the monkeys, they’re better at it”
- You’re not responsible for the fantasy version of you that lives in the reader’s head
- Write the fictionalized/idealized version of your life
- Make it clear there is zero tolerance for trolls on your site; set yourself up as the grownup
- It takes years to build a following
- Do the thing you’re comfortable with, whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, blogging, etc.; there’s nothing worse than an uncomfortable blog
- When you use social media, have fun and be smart about it
Leanna Renee Hieber
- Contact book blogging communities and ask them to review your book
- Karma in all things: don’t spew your vitriol into the world; don’t respond to bad reviews
- Set boundaries for what you’ll share as well as what you’ll take in
- Just starting out, you’re building a following; don’t gets caught up in the numbers
Sam Sykes
- In today’s market, debut authors must have an internet presence
- The best reason not to respond to reviews is the readers read your response as well
- Be genuine; if you’re not genuine, the real you will come out eventually
- Satisfied readers are quiet; if people are angry with you, they’ll tell you
- Don’t be intimidated; if you have something to say, say it
The panelists agreed on Michael Stackpole’s final piece of advice:
When using social media, be passionate and be sincere.