[custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] Ten Things About Amy You Maybe Didn’t Know [/custom_headline]
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[image src=”https://amyknichols.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/short-e1420307111451.jpg” alt=”Hello” type=”circle” float=”right” ]
- In 5th grade I was obsessed with The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and read it thirteen times.
- The first concert I remember was Johnny Cash at the Arizona State Fair in 1984.
- My favorite word is ‘bludgeoned’.
- I like bats.
- In high school I was a total band geek, and at one point was ranked the second best flutist in the state of Arizona. Boom! *drops mic*
- This Simon Pegg and Nick Frost video may be my favorite thing on YouTube.
- I’ve met Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.
- It took a brush with death on New Year’s Even in Edinburgh, Scotland to get me to pursue my dream of being an author.
- I have a shoe habit, but comfy Chucks are my favorite.
- I’m not above sleeping on a sidewalk if it means getting into Hall H at SDCC.
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