[custom_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”true”] Frequently Asked Questions [/custom_headline]
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[image src=”https://amyknichols.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/IMG_5292-e1420330494877.jpg” alt=”FAQ” type=”circle” float=”right” ]Q: Will you blurb my book?
A: Maybe. It depends on several factors, the biggest being my schedule. Please have your agent or editor contact mine.
Q: When will your next book be out?
A: Soon! The best way to keep up with my latest news and releases is to follow my blog and subscribe to my monthly newsletter.
Q: I like to write. How do I get published?
A: Well, that depends on what you write and what your goals are. If you’re writing short stories, I suggest you check out resources such as New Pages or Duotrope to help you find the right market for your work. If you write novels and want to publish traditionally, I recommend you query agents (after getting your manuscript as polished as possible). A good resource for finding agents is QueryTracker. I offer writing advice and resources on my blog. One thing I encourage writers to do is get plugged into a writing community (not necessarily a critique group, but at least other writers you can chat with). Writing can be a very solitary endeavor. It’s good to have people in your life who get it. It’s good to encourage and be encouraged by them when the going gets rough.
Q: Will you read my manuscript and help me get published?
A: Believe me, I know how frustrating the road to publication can be. I’ve shared a lot of my experiences and resulting advice on my blog. I also offer coaching, mentoring and editing services. Contact me today for more information.
Q: Will you sign my book?
A: The best way to get a signed book is to attend one of my events. If that’s not possible, you may be able to request a signed copy from Changing Hands or The Poisoned Pen, two awesome indie bookstores here in my home town.
Q: Will you come to my school/library/teen event?
A: I’d love to! Contact me.
Q: Will you donate books or items to a charitable cause?
A: Maybe. Please contact me with details.
Q: Do you write by hand or use a computer?
A: I do all my writing on a computer, but I make a lot of notes by hand. And I love organizing chapters with note cards. I’m a bit old school that way. Also, I have an office supply fetish.
Q: There’s a lot of science in Now That You’re Here and While You Were Gone. How much research did you do?
A: A lot, which was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. You can read more about it here.
Q: Who is your favorite X-Men character?
A: Wolverine.

It’s uncanny, isn’t it?
(I put this on Tumblr, and people liked it.)
Q: Did you really meet Benedict Cumberbatch?
A: Yep. You can read about it here.
Q: Are you on social media?
A: Yes. You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram. My most favorite thing I ever did on social media was create this photo of Wallace and BC and put it on Tumblr.
Q: Who’s your favorite Doctor?
A: It’s difficult to choose, but I have to go with Ten. As they say, you never forget your first Doctor.
Q: What kind of music do you listen to?
A: I’m all over the map when it comes to music, and I always listen to something when I’m writing. Usually I find a song that fits the chapter I’m working on, and listen to it on repeat while I work. On this page you can find a playlist for Now That You’re Here. And there’s one on this page for While You Were Gone.
Q: Who made the trailers for Now That You’re Here and While You Were Gone?
A: I did, using the Adobe Creative Suite products. It was a lot of fun. I have a background in graphics and web design. I decided to try my hand at video editing, and voilà! (If you haven’t seen the trailer, you can watch it here.)
Q: Is that your dog?
A: Yes. He’s a goofball.
Q: My question isn’t included in this list. Can I ask you something else?
A: Sure. Drop me a line.